The book of which I speak is the book which was known as Starman (the one about the astrophysicisiticst). It was pointed out to me (at some distance, I may add, for I am truly a spectacle when I am angered, and it is wise to break such news to me by shouting it through the wire mesh which surrounds my enclosure whilst having a cattle prod handy)..
A little place I call 'home'. Actually I call it 'electrified from the mains', but let's not quibble |
I prowled for a bit, and thought. I may have disembowelled a postman, but I have no memory of this and they found his sack twenty miles and three counties away, so I'm going to go with 'no, I didn't'. Then I perused my Roget's Thesaurus. I've always wondered about that book. I know that 'dinosaur' means 'terrible lizard', so why doesn't 'thesaurus' mean 'the lizards'? I've gone through it and through it and there's hardly any mention of lizard or amphibian lifeforms, so it's a bit mis-titled if you ask me.
I suppose the give-away should have been the penguin on the front. Penguins are not lizards. How can you trust a book which doesn't even know what a lizard is?
That, Roget, is a lizard...That is what you want on the front of your book, because otherwise people, ie me, are going to come to all sorts of misunderstandings, like trying to feed penguins on locusts, or expecting them to change colour, or something.
Anyway. Where were we? Ah, yes. Well, after I'd paced and perused, I hit on a new title. Which is now up at the Choc Lit site, together with the blurb, should you care to flip over there and have a little look-see. It's here. We don't have a cover yet, but when we do, you will be among the first to know!
Oh, the new title? It's 'How I Wonder What You Are'... which is very appropriate. You'll find out how appropriate when you read the book...